II: Parable of the Stars

Parable of the Stars is a story of hope and redemption. This message of duality is for the understanding of the universal call for balance in all things. The fallen angels who fell in love with the wonderful world that compelled them to dream and inspired them to believe in those dreams called out to them and they ran to fill the cup. They became consumed with the wonders of the world in all of its carnal darkness that is a world of sensory pleasures. They believed so much in the power of their darkness that they became infatuated and hungry for more of it, and lost sight of the light, and the source of the life that was their true nature. They became the forgotten ones because they themselves forgot who they were... that they were greater than the soiled earth, that they were souls born to fly in the weightless freedom of infinity.

Parable of the Stars teaches that our desire for greatness and our eager anticipation to conquer the world and to become kings of our own domain is in our nature and nothing to be ashamed of, for the world is good and we were born so that we could experience this life bear its blessings. Yet, we are to be aware not to fall for it... not to be blinded by the illusion of the false promises that the flesh has the capacity to fulfill our truths. Parable of Stars, in the story of birds bees and butterflies, teaches the true nature of life and offers a way for us to live without becoming slaves to the gravel of gravities bounding forces. It is a story of liberation.