VI: Avenue Sovereign

Avenue Sovereign is a story of the universal language that is art, but even more distinctly, that is music and dancing. This story teaches that the human race has founded within itself so many boundaries that separate each other. We are divided by time and space and the cultural, historical, social, and racial differences create in us a wall that is difficult to cross. Because we lack understanding, there is an inability to effectively communicate beyond our bounds of knowledge. Avenue Sovereign is a story of the pure freedom of music, expressed through dancing, both as universal languages and as a universal way to communicate and to express. This story, of something more beautiful than words are able to describe, is a story of movement. The will to infuse the world with unity and to showcase the power of freedom through submission to the music as an inspired truth, is the message of this new wave.

The light of the world is in the ability of people to choose to see beyond the painted illusion of flesh and fabric, as none more than fashion and fad, to gain the ability to see the power of the living source of energy that connects all of us as inter-solar relatives. If we all dance, if we all sing one song, then, somehow, we would once more find a common ground, something to share, and something to believe in together. There are no words to describe this message. Words would only be more of a hindrance. The only way to share this message with the world is to inspire it, and to infuse within its people a spark of light that, once illumined, will be sure to pass on for generations. No longer, says the new message, are we called to be grounded. We are called to fly. Believe in magic and soar. Avenue Sovereign is a gift of ultimate freedom.