Sunday, August 12, 2012

Primal Living Light

The Prima Light Alive is a story about truth.  How vague the concept of truth, when truth is ultimately relative to the individual and their perspective based experiences.  However, in this story, truth is considered equivalent to the light, depicted as a way of seeing the world in complete illumination.  This light of the world is one that we all have in common, as the universal truth.  It is a fictional story based on the reality of a school that teaches lessons in life that allow our soul to soar to greater heights through the active union of mind body and spirit, for the cohesive flight through the principles of light.  This story of evolution presents the next phase of humanity; a people known as the homo avian, born to fly.

This series novel collection is to be written in the sequence of past, present, and future, for its first three books.  The first, entitled “On Our Way To Heaven”, depicts the Prima’s as they grow up and come into their own; their lives at Arc Ohm, and their studies at Wing Gate, and everything that it took to prepare them for the lives they were chosen to lead.  Based in Australia, book two is about the present lives of the Prima’s and their quest to purge humanity of its self destructive premise, by helping the world to realize the truth within themselves, the light within one another, and by paving a new path toward the future.  Book three is a revelation about the future of the world, and all of its humanity and life on earth as we know it.  In this book, the Prime AJA’s journey far into the future beyond all that we now know to exist.

The Prima Light Alive is a concept of awakening through the illumination of the mind, thereby emancipating the soul in the realization of the universal truth that exists as the primal light.  In this story the characters experience this connection to the infinite source of energy as children of the light, and they grow up to evolve in reflecting their own ideals within the principles of light.  This story unfolds to reveal a concept of change as a challenge for humanity that is both dramatic and dynamic, as a passage throughout the evolutionary spectrum.

The revelation of this story is summarized within five various principles, known as The Golden Globe, World of Windows, Parable of Stars, Avenue Sovereign, and Arc of the Covenant. The foundation of this story is a theory of evolution, of "birds bees and butterflies", of mind body and spirit.  The Prima Light Alive is represented by the characters as students of The Arc Ohm, Wing Gate Academy of Light, where its students, six girls from various cultures of the world, learn to fly through the intensive instructions in mastery of the mind, body, and spirit.  The mind represented by birds in yoga, the body represented by bees in ballet, and the spirit represented by butterflies. 

Raised in the Arc Ohm kingdom fortress, The Prima’s study principals of light at Wing Gate, under the instruction of master professors, where they learn about the birds bees and butterflies.  They also study the arts and sciences, in addition to primary concentrations in yoga, ballet, and athleticism. They are taught to find balance, to harness natural abilities, to channel core energies, and to co-exist as one, in harmony with the universe.  At Arc Ohm Wing Gate, the six chosen ones are presented with a lifestyle that nurtures their individual gifts based on natural abilities and energy centers.  They are taught to harness their energy centers to connect with the communal light and energy and power that is possessed by the universal whole; the source of all light and life. 

The pupils of Wing Gate are taught to be true to self, to be free in their ways, but also to be responsible for their actions; to channel natural energies, to be open to natural impulses, but to control them, and to master them as abilities that focus on various strengths.  They are challenged to see the beauty in the differences of one another, to respect those differences as equal to our own choices, while trying to find understanding, balance, harmony, and to make peace with self and one another.  All so very different and distinctive in their ways, the circle of sisters were encouraged to be more of what they already are.  A potency of powers depends on a willingness to face ones self, and to dig deep within ones own natural instincts and impulses.  The ‘circle of sisters’ as daughters of the rainbow, are taught to adapt to their owned identity and personality as individuals recognized for their particular gifts.

The Prime AJA’s graduate to become superheroes of the world.  Their essential mission in life is to share everything that they have learned at Arc Ohm in order to solve the problems of the world.  This story will be shown from the perspective of the students at the Arc Ohm's Wing Gate Academy, the young daughters of the rainbow, the circle of sisters.  The AJA’s, as Prima’s are royalty and heirs to the throne of their owned heritage and the redemption of their people.  Because they have been chosen for this purpose, it will inevitably bring all in the human race together.  The sisters, each representing their own spectrum of the rainbow, the kundalini, and the human race, are one, therefore, as heads of their father’s households, the human race will also learn to see themselves as one through this united demonstration of world peace.  This is the objective of the Prima’s, and the relevance of The Arc Ohm; to prepare these, the chosen ones, for their future in healing the world.  

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