Monday, November 1, 2010

Principles of the Prime and Living Light

Birds Bees Butterflies
a key to the understanding the universal truth.

The Golden Globe
the light that lives within us, we must remember to revere and honor and carry with dignity within our fortress, our bodies as temples for this light, must always be considered golden and regal and royal and expressed accordingly. 

Parable of Stars
realizing that all things are connected and all myth-like stories are relevant to the great truth of any perceived reality. believing in the supernatural as a part of the natural. understanding the magical relationship of all things to each other. also realizing the part of our nature to fall, in love and for other reasons. to understand these reasons and to find the strength to rise above them. 

World of Windows
seeing diversity as an expression of evolution through time. always open to accept and respect in appreciation, the way that others see themselves and the world around them as one with familiar values. many ways of seeing the same universal truth.

Avenue Sovereign
because of the establishments of sects meant to protect the lines of division and separation of peoples, the most effective way to inspire unity and peace beyond all diversity of the rainbow is to celebrate the rainbow, the universal truth of the universal languages, art music and dance. the expression of pure light.

Arc of the Covenant
always to welcome the opportunity to experience the kinship of a true love unity as it will help to find a new way to balance and aid in progression of spiritual maturity of the evolutionary spectrum. remembering to remain untouched and pure, free from carnal excess. always to be prepared to let go and welcome the separation of the blessed union. all unions should be free and naturally effortless.

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