Thursday, November 11, 2010

World Peace Project

World peace means everything to me.  It is my platform for the rest of my life, and, my life’s mission and the work that I intend to fulfill before my death, is to serve the people of earth in my crusade for world peace. For me, world peace is the most important thing that anyone can attain to have in this life.  I cannot think of any role that is more significant than that of a world peace activist.  

People like the Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela, John Lennon, Dr Martin Luther King Jr, and so forth, have inspired a revolution of peacemakers, leading by example, the way to peace.  Regardless of the ways of hate and war that stood in their ways, they believed that the only way to conquer such things was through love. In my dreams, I see a world of rainbow people, who see themselves as children of the light, and as the light shines through them, becoming prismatic in the radiance of each colour that they have beholded through their personal and individual heritage as an evolution of the one true unit.

I want to be able to openly discuss and bring to the forefront the issues that drive wedges between us as brothers and sisters of planet earth.  These differences in race and creed, culture, historical value, idealism, language, faith and religious doctrine, social status, and political indifference, all come from the same source.  We need to recognize that beyond our differences as an estranged diversity of distant familiarity, what we are is a generation of children that have evolved to reflect the journey of our forefathers, who in all truth, were brothers of the same seed.

We need to see our differences as particular and distinctly relative reflections of the legacy that drove our forefathers to express themselves as individuals and declare an independence from the unit of the core humanity.  Each of us come to represent that which we were taught.  Our evolution is a finite declaration of where we migrated to, what we are, how we lived, what we believed in, what was important to us… we became more of what was valued and less of what was left behind… and to each his own, we became different. 

I think that world peace will come when we first in our hearts then by our minds and of our actions, begin to perceive ourselves in relationship with one another differently.  But first, I think that it is more important to perceive ourselves differently.  My foundation for the school of thought toward world peace, is not simply to tolerate one another and to pledge a life a love an non violence, but to change the perspective of our reality to see this… A World of Windows.

How I intend to actively promote world peace is simply to speak out about it.  I believe that when people are more informed about certain aspects of a united global community, they will have the option to choose for themselves a more peaceful way of living.  I am not hoping to tell people how to think, rather than to simply share with them my personal perspectives.  New ways of seeing opens minds.  Be inspired by the light of the rainbow to believe in this one love. 

Monday, November 1, 2010

Principles of the Prime and Living Light

Birds Bees Butterflies
a key to the understanding the universal truth.

The Golden Globe
the light that lives within us, we must remember to revere and honor and carry with dignity within our fortress, our bodies as temples for this light, must always be considered golden and regal and royal and expressed accordingly. 

Parable of Stars
realizing that all things are connected and all myth-like stories are relevant to the great truth of any perceived reality. believing in the supernatural as a part of the natural. understanding the magical relationship of all things to each other. also realizing the part of our nature to fall, in love and for other reasons. to understand these reasons and to find the strength to rise above them. 

World of Windows
seeing diversity as an expression of evolution through time. always open to accept and respect in appreciation, the way that others see themselves and the world around them as one with familiar values. many ways of seeing the same universal truth.

Avenue Sovereign
because of the establishments of sects meant to protect the lines of division and separation of peoples, the most effective way to inspire unity and peace beyond all diversity of the rainbow is to celebrate the rainbow, the universal truth of the universal languages, art music and dance. the expression of pure light.

Arc of the Covenant
always to welcome the opportunity to experience the kinship of a true love unity as it will help to find a new way to balance and aid in progression of spiritual maturity of the evolutionary spectrum. remembering to remain untouched and pure, free from carnal excess. always to be prepared to let go and welcome the separation of the blessed union. all unions should be free and naturally effortless.