Thursday, November 11, 2010

World Peace Project

World peace means everything to me.  It is my platform for the rest of my life, and, my life’s mission and the work that I intend to fulfill before my death, is to serve the people of earth in my crusade for world peace. For me, world peace is the most important thing that anyone can attain to have in this life.  I cannot think of any role that is more significant than that of a world peace activist.  

People like the Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela, John Lennon, Dr Martin Luther King Jr, and so forth, have inspired a revolution of peacemakers, leading by example, the way to peace.  Regardless of the ways of hate and war that stood in their ways, they believed that the only way to conquer such things was through love. In my dreams, I see a world of rainbow people, who see themselves as children of the light, and as the light shines through them, becoming prismatic in the radiance of each colour that they have beholded through their personal and individual heritage as an evolution of the one true unit.

I want to be able to openly discuss and bring to the forefront the issues that drive wedges between us as brothers and sisters of planet earth.  These differences in race and creed, culture, historical value, idealism, language, faith and religious doctrine, social status, and political indifference, all come from the same source.  We need to recognize that beyond our differences as an estranged diversity of distant familiarity, what we are is a generation of children that have evolved to reflect the journey of our forefathers, who in all truth, were brothers of the same seed.

We need to see our differences as particular and distinctly relative reflections of the legacy that drove our forefathers to express themselves as individuals and declare an independence from the unit of the core humanity.  Each of us come to represent that which we were taught.  Our evolution is a finite declaration of where we migrated to, what we are, how we lived, what we believed in, what was important to us… we became more of what was valued and less of what was left behind… and to each his own, we became different. 

I think that world peace will come when we first in our hearts then by our minds and of our actions, begin to perceive ourselves in relationship with one another differently.  But first, I think that it is more important to perceive ourselves differently.  My foundation for the school of thought toward world peace, is not simply to tolerate one another and to pledge a life a love an non violence, but to change the perspective of our reality to see this… A World of Windows.

How I intend to actively promote world peace is simply to speak out about it.  I believe that when people are more informed about certain aspects of a united global community, they will have the option to choose for themselves a more peaceful way of living.  I am not hoping to tell people how to think, rather than to simply share with them my personal perspectives.  New ways of seeing opens minds.  Be inspired by the light of the rainbow to believe in this one love. 

Monday, November 1, 2010

Principles of the Prime and Living Light

Birds Bees Butterflies
a key to the understanding the universal truth.

The Golden Globe
the light that lives within us, we must remember to revere and honor and carry with dignity within our fortress, our bodies as temples for this light, must always be considered golden and regal and royal and expressed accordingly. 

Parable of Stars
realizing that all things are connected and all myth-like stories are relevant to the great truth of any perceived reality. believing in the supernatural as a part of the natural. understanding the magical relationship of all things to each other. also realizing the part of our nature to fall, in love and for other reasons. to understand these reasons and to find the strength to rise above them. 

World of Windows
seeing diversity as an expression of evolution through time. always open to accept and respect in appreciation, the way that others see themselves and the world around them as one with familiar values. many ways of seeing the same universal truth.

Avenue Sovereign
because of the establishments of sects meant to protect the lines of division and separation of peoples, the most effective way to inspire unity and peace beyond all diversity of the rainbow is to celebrate the rainbow, the universal truth of the universal languages, art music and dance. the expression of pure light.

Arc of the Covenant
always to welcome the opportunity to experience the kinship of a true love unity as it will help to find a new way to balance and aid in progression of spiritual maturity of the evolutionary spectrum. remembering to remain untouched and pure, free from carnal excess. always to be prepared to let go and welcome the separation of the blessed union. all unions should be free and naturally effortless.

Monday, September 20, 2010

the seven levels of manifestation: thought, light, sound, air, fire, water, earth.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

To The Point

The Prima Light Alive is a story based on the concept of illumination of the mind through the emancipation of the soul, and a realization of the universal truth.

All are connected as children of the light, as we share the infinite eternal source of energy as the core of what we have evolved to reflect within our own ideals.

This is a marked threshold where by all of creation must learn to adhere to the concept of change toward a dramatic and dynamic course of being, seeing, and existing throughout the evolutionary spectrum.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Prima Light Alive

The Prima Light Alive are a collection of stories.  It is a narrative conquest to discover the true nature of the stories her grandmother once told her, in passing on a great wisdom of the ages. Revelation of the five principals of The Prima Light Alive are known as The Golden Globe, Parable of Stars, World of Windows, Arc of the Covenant, and Avenue Sovereign.

The Golden Globe is a story of a journey that will lead to spiritual emancipation. In this story, the voyage is a travel through an ethereal course of duality. The description is a mental capture, yet, the experience leads to a freedom of the mind. It is about letting go and coming to terms will all fears and desperations and needs, and trusting both the darkness and the light in their own inter-connective relationship with one another as a unitive whole. As a dream, the passage through a dramatic reality awakens within us a sudden urge of chaos, as we are called to face the world that the dream requests that we leave behind. To leave such a world behind requires great bravery. There must also be a grand amount of faith, because without such faith, we would see the vague abyss that calls out to us as a dangerous unknown that is not worth the risk, and may choose to scurry back to the reality where lives the illusion of safety. This journey is an escape from the illustrations of the fabricated world. It is learning to see through the looking glass as a window to our soul and a battle of consciousness that demands the requested freedom from our bodies and our minds. At the end of this journey, there is a grand understanding of everything that is. Our eyes are opened in the presence of the light that lives at the end of the tunnel, and a description for what we are able to see is only to know the clarity of our minds in the stillness and silence of peace that is serenaded by a musical ambiance and dancing painted hues of beauty beyond words. The Golden Globe is the message of the Avenue Sovereign, but because she cannot find the words, She Dances, in the hope that all who have eyes will see the movement, and that all who have ears will hear the music. This is a story of inspired truth.  A message of light.

Parable of Stars is a story of hope and redemption. This message of duality is for the understanding of the universal call for balance in all things. The fallen angels who fell in love with the wonderful world that compelled them to dream and inspired them to believe in those dreams that called out to them as they ran to fill the cup. They became consumed with the wonders of the world in all of its carnal darknesses that were a world of sensory pleasures. They believed so much in the power of their darkness that they became infatuated and hungry for more of it, and lost sight of the light, and the source of the life that was their true nature. They became the forgotten ones because they themselves forgot who they were... that they were greater than the soiled earth, that they were souls born to fly in the weightless freedom of infinity. Parable of Stars teaches that our desire for greatness and our eager anticipation to conquer the world and to become kings of our own domain is in our nature and nothing to be ashamed of, for the world is good and we were born so that we could experience this life bear its blessings. Yet, we are to be aware not to fall for it... not to be blinded by the illusion of the false promises that the flesh has the capacity to fulfill our truths. Parable of Stars, in the story of birds bees and butterflies, teaches the true nature of life and offers a way for us to live without becoming slaves to the gravel of gravities bounding forces. It is a story of liberation.  A message of hope.

World of Windows is a story of brotherhood and rival and war and separation. It tells of the world and the root and source of all social and cultural and racial inferences known to man. This story, like the Parable of Stars, goes back into time, and shows the struggles of humanity within their own families that led to battles demanding separation of settlements. When the brothers from one family swore war against one another because they were convinced of no other way to settle indifferences, they took their wives and children and formed legions against each other. These families became strangers in time, as brothers, now kings of his own way, taught his family to follow the way that he believed to be the best way. This trend would continue on until the end of time. The son would leave his father and claim that he no longer saw fit to the prescription of his father, but wanted to explore a new path, and would take his wife and create yet a new legacy of peoples beyond the walls of his fathers house. World of Windows, is a story told of one family tree that bore fruit. The fruit were harvested and the seeds were planted on new soil. The soil and the world around it, generated new versions of the same fruit. And the fruit evolved. They became painted by the rainbow and made the earth fruitful in its multiplicity. This story teaches love and respect for all peoples, because we are all brothers and sisters, and we have each been taught the way of our fathers, yet, our fathers, all fruit of the same tree, were compelled to find new soil for their own fruit to be harvested. Because of this compelling human instinct to be able to choose his own path and to go out into the world and discover his own way, the world as we know it is colourful and interesting and diverse in its complex portraits of human social evolution. It is a story of acceptance and peace.  A message of unity.

Arc of the Covenant is a story that goes from the beginning of time to the end of time. It is of Alpha and Omega, standing the test of time from past to present to future, all reigning on one merging truth called the union of love. This story is a principle of promise, though, yet again beyond words, this promise was made by the laws of the universe through the creation and evolution of all existence. It is the realization that the cause of duality allows the world to have the infinite balance and grants the universe the power of immortality via the pro-creative merging of these dual energies. When the polar opposites are reunited, they are able to create an immaculate order together. Yet, the separation of these energies of entity in a co-existing status allows for the heightened experience of each. Unification in the merge of these two serves as a creative process, but in retrospect, can weaken the dynamic individual premise by which each aspect of the yin and yang relationship is defined. The greatest love story of all time, is a complex one. You would think that the purpose of such a perfect love would be to find the other and mate for life. Yet, perhaps such perfect love exists only to exist, to teach the lesson of perfect and true love, and to realize the calling to be free from it. For in order for such love to remain perfect, it must remain selfless. In this story it is told of the ultimate sacrifice in the desire to cling to the other half that would in fact complete and make whole the part of the soul that it were born to share. Without this sacrifice, the eternal mission of the Prima Light Alive would not be possible. Perhaps it is more necessary to realize that the true promise is the sacrifice of self, and the promise to answer the call of service, is in knowing that if Alpha and Omega were to join together as one, then there would be no distinction of Alpha and Omega, Light and Darkness... then the world would be a bland blur and a vague abyss, and we would all suffer the consequence of eternal lost with no sense of direction and no way out. Prima's Light is the Living compass, and this is a story of her true love.  A message of promise.

Avenue Sovereign is a story of the universal language that is art, but even more distinctly, that is music and dancing. This story teaches that the human race has founded within itself so many boundaries that separate each other. We are divided by time and space and the cultural, historical, social, and racial differences create in us a wall that is difficult to cross. Because we lack understanding, there is an inability to effectively communicate beyond our bounds of knowledge. Avenue Sovereign is a story of the pure freedom of music, expressed through dancing, both as universal languages and as a universal way to communicate and to express. This story, of something more beautiful than words are able to describe, is a story of movement. The will to infuse the world with unity and to showcase the power of freedom through submission to the music as an inspired truth, is the message of this new wave. The light of the world is in the ability of people to choose to see beyond the painted illusion of flesh and fabric, as none more than fashion and fad, to gain the ability to see the power of the living source of energy that connects all of us as inter-solar relatives. If we all dance, if we all sing one song, then, somehow, we would once more find a common ground, something to share, and something to believe in together. There are no words to describe this message. Words would only be more of a hindrance. The only way to share this message with the world is to inspire it, and to infuse within its people a spark of light that, once illumined, will be sure to pass on for generations. No longer, says the new message, are we called to be grounded. We are called to fly. Believe in magic and soar. Avenue Sovereign is a gift of ultimate freedom.  A message of grace.

Friday, August 13, 2010

All human actions have one or more of these seven causes:
chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reason, passion, and desire.

(384 BC - 322 BC)
Play life, as though it were a remarkable challenge; an obstacle course waiting to be conquered.  Life, as a musing riddle, a spiritual labyrinth, a magical conquest.  To be experienced, to be expressed, to be mastered, is life.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Root:  The Source:  The Core

I become an extension of myself.  I grow branches as I multiply in fruitfullness.  I build an empire from ground zero.  Beneath the ground, I dig to uproot the graves.  To burn the remains to ashes that there be no more memories of death.  I become the family tree that grew from the mustard seed of faith in the dream.  I never stop believing.  I never lose sight of the vision.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I live to dance.  Should there be any other cause or reason for my existence I am fully unaware of it, because the only thing that has moved me to life, that has inspired me to live, is the music that moves me.  It speaks to me, and I understand its every word.  Beyond reason, it is a certain insanity in the simplicity of being able to know the music as the gift of every note comes to me as its vivid translator.  For this purpose, my body moves in the complement synchronic order that is a certain spellbinding momentum that my mind cannot even see to explain.  It is more than a feeling, it is a state of mind by which the music becomes me, and my body tells the story of its sounding rhythm, for the wavelengths move through me, and I become the radio transmission at its own frequency.  I give myself to the dance and to the music, faithfully I submit everything that I am and never doubt nor question its love for me.  The music tells me all of its secrets, and they live through the darkness of my dwelling; this sacred flesh becomes the canvas as portrait for the painting muse.  I know no other way, for it is the only thing to inspire me enough, the music.  I see the images in my waking dreams as the music sings its song, and I pour out my heart in dance, as I attempt to share with you this vision of some truth that only the expressions of my form know to tell.  I dance because there are no words.  I dance to give all my secrets a way.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I offer peace, because it is the only thing that I ask for in return.
Life continues to be a constant challenge.  We create our lifestyles as we create our personalities and our own images; and in this way we become the creatures of creation who dictate our own habits.  We become painters of the future by the choices that we make today.  I remember this now as I head toward the future.  Old habits are just as difficult to eliminate as new habits are to create.  Even more so, practice makes perfect.  I remember one saying in particular, that we ought to make the good better best, and to never let it rest, until the good is better and the better is best.  My life is a sequence of good habits waiting to be formed.  Each day, I have to try to be a better version of who I was yesterday, for this is the only way to become the best version of who I will be tomorrow.  It is like training for a race; training for life and the race toward the future.  I look forward to the unveiling of my good future, and today my heart is opened wide to accept its good graces.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Waking Dream

I am somewhere between then and now, between yesterday and tomorrow, even beyond today, captured in a synthetic moment that seems too still to be.  Translucent is this scope of reality, yet, I see nothing beyond the feeling of a certain dormant relativity to the coming of something much awaited.